Press release in PDF / Nota de prensa en PDF
1. More than 100 mass arrests in Cuba in the last 3 days
2. At least 5 raids in Cuba in the last 3 days
3. Partial list of arrests reported until 7 pm on September 8, 2019
4. Analysis of the EU-Cuba agreement: an ultimatum must be given or its application stopped
5. List of raids in 2019 only to UNPACU before September
1. More than 100 mass arrests in Cuba in the last 3 days
After besieging dozens of houses of activists of the peaceful democratic opposition in Cuba, the island’s government with special troops and State Security has raided numerous of these houses, stolen all kind of belongings from them and arrested a much more than a hundred activists, mainly to avoid a demonstration convened throughout the country by the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) and the promoters of Cuba Decide, and which has been seconded by activists from various organizations on the island, but also on the occasion of the celebration of the feast of The Patroness of Cuba.
Indeed, this same day, September 8, the festivity of Our Lady of Charity of Copper, the “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”, affectionately called the “Cachita”, Patroness of Cuba since 1916, is celebrated. The feast of the Virgin Copper Charity and the celebration of Oshún, orisha (or saint) of the Yoruba religion, are celebrated in Cuba on September 8 under the same celebration, thus having a special significance for all Cubans.
Esto último hecho ha supuesto también detenciones adicionales por toda la isla que han afectado a numerosas Damas de Blanco, Premio Sájarov para la Libertad de Conciencia, establecido por el Parlamento Europeo como un medio para homenajear a personas u organizaciones que han dedicado sus vidas o acciones a la defensa de los derechos humanos y las libertades que la Unión Europea, que poco o ningún significado debe tener para Europa si nos atenemos a que la Unión Europea o la Sra. Federica Mogherini, Alta representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad, aún no se han manifestado en modo alguno al respecto de toda esta represión de hoy, que se suma a los cientos de detenciones que han sufrido este año en curso dichas Damas de Blanco.
Las detenciones cada día 8 de septiembre son desgraciadamente ya tan “tradicionales” entre los activistas de derechos humanos, como la misma celebración del día de la querida “Cachita”, si bien este año la coincidencia de la llamada a manifestarse en parques y lugares públicos ha desatado una ola de violencia sustantivamente adicional.
This last fact has also meant additional arrests throughout the island that have affected numerous Ladies in White, Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Conscience, established by the European Parliament as a means to honor people or organizations that have dedicated their lives or actions to the defense of human rights and freedoms that the European Union, that little or no meaning should have for Europe if we stick to the European Union or Mrs. Federica Mogherini, High representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Politics Security, have not yet expressed in any way about this repression today, which adds to the hundreds of arrests suffered this year by these Ladies in White.
The arrests each September 8 are unfortunately already as “traditional” among human rights activists, as the same celebration of the day of the beloved “Cachita”, although this year the coincidence of the call to demonstrate in parks and public places has unleashed a wave of substantively additional violence.
It should be noted that José Daniel Ferrer, Prisoner of Conscience of Amnesty International, Condemned of Conscience adopted by Cuban Prisoners Defenders, and who holds international awards for human rights, is still detained, in a detention he himself filmed in this video (
Algunas detenciones han ido acompañadas de multas arbitrarias, argumentadas de palabra por apoyar la manifestación, pero luego concretándose, por ejemplo en el caso de Carlos Oliva Rivery (ver multa impuesta el sábado al liberarle de su primera detención, puesto que hoy volvió a ser detenido y está aún sin liberar), como puede verse en su multa entregada en mano el sábado al ser liberado, donde indica, para sorpresa de propios y extraños, el “Decreto Ley Nº 200 de 1999, de las contravenciones en materia de medio ambiente”, capítulo 11, es decir, por “contravenciones respecto a los ruidos, vibraciones y otros factores físicos”, algo que indicaría que están de nuevo falsificando una detención para iniciar una causa falsa contra él. A Carlos Amel Oliva, miembro del Comité de Dirección de la UNPACU e hijo de Carlos Oliva Rivery, también le han aplicado en la detención una multa que indicaron también era por apoyar la manifestación. Igualmente se han multado a otros activistas en las detenciones de hoy. Esto permitirá al régimen, al no ser pagadas, encausarles penalmente y hacerles ingresar en prisión mediante un proceso sumario. Advertimos a los diplomáticos del peligro que estos activistas corren de ir condenados a prisión en breve por esta causa. En la lista de presos políticos actual de Cuban Prisoners Defenders, existen 7 Convictos de Conciencia por impago de multas arbitrarias, uno de ellos ya nombrado Prisionero de Conciencia de Amnistía Internacional, Edilberto Ronal Arzuaga Alcalá, y 1 Condenando de Conciencia, por lo que la operativa es muy habitual en el régimen para encausar falsamente a opositores.
Some detentions have been accompanied by arbitrary fines, argued by word “for supporting the demonstration”, but then materializing, for example, in the case of Carlos Oliva Rivery (see fine imposed on Saturday when he was released from his first detention, since he was arrested again today and is still not released), as can be seen in his fine handed over on Saturday when he was released, where he indicates, to the surprise of his own and strangers, the “Decree Law No. 200 of 1999, on environmental violations”, chapter 11, that is, for “contraventions regarding noise, vibration and other physical factors”, something that would indicate that they are again falsifying an arrest to initiate a false cause against him. Carlos Amel Oliva, a member of UNPACU’s Steering Committee and son of Carlos Oliva Rivery, has also received a fine in his detention that they also indicated was “for supporting the demonstration”. Other many activists have also been fined in today’s detentions. This will allow the regime, once not being paid, to prosecute them and make them enter prison through a summary process. We warn diplomats of the danger that these activists run from being sentenced to prison shortly for this false cause. And we say so because in the list of current political prisoners of Cuban Prisoners Defenders, there are 7 Convicts of Conscience for non-payment of arbitrary fines, one of them already named Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience, Edilberto Ronal Arzuaga Alcalá, and 1 Condemned of Conscience, so the practice is very common in the regime to falsely prosecute opponents.
Then, in section 3 of this document we report a first detailed list of arrests where, by the logic of urgency, we can only assure that they are a mere partial sample of the repression in the whole country, and where there remain dozens of arrests still to be reported, many of them from activists who are missing or have not yet been able to contact us.
2. At least 5 raids in Cuba in the last 3 days
At the same time, in the days leading up to the celebration and on the same day there have been besieged dozens of houses of human rights activists, and at least 5 violent break-ins, including illegal theft of all types of material owned by those affected, something that has been a common practice in this 2019, where more than 36 dwellings are usually counted with theft of diverse material, among which are food, tables, chairs, cutlery, books, dishes, medicines and multiple personal and work communication material, such as mobile phones, laptops and flash memories.
The island’s government accuses the United States of financially helping human rights activists but, with this kleptomaniac and insane actions of its State Security forces along with the absolutely immediate expulsion from their workplaces of every activist who starts human rights activities, is the help of the various countries that publicly support pro-democratic civil society activists (not only the United States but many other solidarity countries that protect the defense of human rights with their help), the only way of survival and maintenance of these honorable citizens, among which there are numerous personalities named Prisoners of Conscience by Amnesty International, whom the State of Cuba abuses without limits. The raids of 2019, and the events that have taken place today, have affected with special impact on the Patriotic Union of Cuba, one of the organizations calling for the demonstration today.
Raids Day September 6, 2019:
- Home 1. Property of Ana Milagros Moises and Ismel Berobides, of UNPACU. Santiago de Cuba (pending address verification). Raid without search warrant, with great violence. Both were arrested and he was beaten while he is an ill person, who subsequently had to be taken to the polyclinic for his serious damaged state of health. Confiscated items: 1 tablet, 1 flash memory, 30 CUC and medications necessary for the clinical pathology of Ismel.
Raids Day September 7, 2019:
- Home 2. Address: Street # 9 between E and G # 10 (High). UNPACU headquarters and home of José Daniel Ferrer. Altamira neighborhood. Break-in without a search warrant, with great violence, terrorizing the wife of José Daniel Ferrer and 3 minors (one of 3 months and a two-year-old girl, who cried at all times during the assault).
- House 3. Address: Street # 9 between E and G # 10. UNPACU headquarters. Altamira neighborhood. They raided the house without a search warrant in a particularly violent way and arrested 26 activists to prevent them from attending today’s demonstration. Among those arrested is Yolanda Carmenate, who is on hunger strike on her eighth day because of the imprisonment of her son Cristian Pérez Carmenate this past August, as reported by Cuban Prisoners Defenders.
- Home 4. Address: Street # 9 between E and G # 9. UNPACU headquarters. Altamira neighborhood. They raided the house without a search warrant with special violence, taking milk and oil (yes, milk and oil) logically destined for human consumption, which we imagine will end up being used in the home of some State Security agent or command.
- Home 5. Address: Street 5 of Vista Hermosa between C and E # 106. Home of Ovidio Martín Castellanos. With great violence and stealing all kinds of personal objects for domestic use, they arrested Ovidio, Erlandys García, Sergio García González, Duglas Favier Torres and Ricardo Martinez Cuevas, to prevent them from attending the demonstration. All violence was also perpetrated in the presence of Ovidio’s wife, Zenaida Rams Santana, pregnant in advanced gestation, and two young children, who suffered from panic in the assault. They took a printer and diverse documentation related to the studies of political prisoners on the island and pro-democracy brochures of UNPACU and Cuba Decide.
Additionally, it is necessary to highlight 31 illegal dwellings carried out by State Security and Special Forces, reported to Prisoners Defenders by the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), and which are detailed in section 5 of this report.
3. Partial list of arrests reported until 7 pm on September 8, 2019
The data received by Cuban Prisoners Defenders so far show the following accounting for arrests referring only to the last 3 days:
Arrested and detained on September 6, 2019:
- Deylis Acosta Sarmiento, from UNPACU (detained in Media Luna, Holguín)
- Sulaine Videaux Almenares, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Iam Gámez Bella, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Ismel Berobides, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Ana Milagros Moisés, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Carlos Amel Oliva Torres, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Pedro Acosta, from Movimiento Martiano Cubano (detained in San Miguel del Padrón, La Habana)
Arrested and detained on September 7, 2019:
- Luis Ángel Leyva Domínguez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yidel Suárez Saiz, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Adrián Ochoa Portales, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Moraima Díaz Pérez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Maidolis Oribe Perdomo, from UNPACU (detained in n Santiago de Cuba)
- Jesús Sánchez Romero, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Alexis Rodríguez Chacón, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Niubis Bisset Romero, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yolanda Carmenate, from UNPACU (hoy cumple 8 días en huelga de hambre) (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- María del Carmen Cala Aguilera, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Carlos Oliva Rivery, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), the only one liberated the same day
- Froilán Zarraga Ferrer, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Manuel Mustelier Tamayo, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Fernando González Vaillant, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Miguel Anaya Martínez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Evelio Fernández Zalazar, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Norge Sablon Polo, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Wilder Cervantes Cusa, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yeridian Álvarez Martínez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- José Pupo Chaveco, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Isael Aleagas Pérez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Oris Ramírez Leyva, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Manuel Pérez Sánchez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Iam Gámez Gell, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Marina Paz, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Ovidio Martín Castellanos, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Duglas Favier Torres, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), liberated today
- Ricardo Martinez Cuevas, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), liberated today
- Erlandys García, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Sergio García González, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Zaqueo Báez Guerrero, from UNPACU (detained in La Habana), just liberated.
- Maykel Bone, from UNPACU (detained in La Habana)
- Bartolo Cantillo, from UNPACU (detained in Guantánamo)
- José Díaz Silva, from Movimiento Democracia (detained in La Habana)
Arrested and detained on September 8, 2019:
- Caridad María Burunate Gómez, Lady in White, arrested at 10:00 in the morning in Colón, Matanzas, today September 8 and taken to the Offices of the Municipal Directorate of Community Services, where she remained detained until 4:30 in the afternoon.
- Tania Echevarría Menéndez, Lady in White, arrested at 10:00 in the morning in Colón, Matanzas, today September 8 and taken to the Offices of the Municipal Directorate of Community Services, where she remained detained until 4:30 in the afternoon.
- Yudaxis Pérez Meneses, Lady in White, arrested at 10:00 in the morning in Colón, Matanzas, today September 8 and taken to the Offices of the Municipal Directorate of Community Services, where she remained detained until 4:30 in the afternoon.
- Asunción Carrillo Hernández, Lady in White, arrested at 10:00 in the morning in Colón, Matanzas, today September 8 and taken to the Offices of the Municipal Directorate of Community Services, where she remained detained until 4:30 in the afternoon.
- Maritza Acosta Perdomo, Lady in White, arrested at 10:00 in the morning in Colón, Matanzas, today September 8 and taken to the Offices of the Municipal Directorate of Community Services, where she remained detained until 4:30 in the afternoon.
- Annia Zamora Carmenate, Lady of White, arrested in Carlos Rojas, Jovellanos, Matanzas, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and kept in motion in a State Security patrol car until his release.
- Sissi Abascal Zamora, Lady of White, arrested in Carlos Rojas, Jovellanos, Matanzas, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and kept in motion in a State Security patrol car until his release.
- Dianelis Moreno Soto, Lady of White, arrested in Carlos Rojas, Jovellanos, Matanzas, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and kept in motion in a State Security patrol car until his release.
- Aleida Cofiño Rivero, Lady of White, arrested in Carlos Rojas, Jovellanos, Matanzas, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and kept in motion in a State Security patrol car until his release.
- Osmara Martín Fundora, of the Independent Trade Union Association of Cuba (ASIC) detained in Havana upon leaving his home at 8:30 am until 12:30 pm in the Zapata Police Headquarters and 21 in Vedado
- Emilio Alberto Gottardi Gottardi, of the Independent Trade Union Association of Cuba (ASIC) detained in Havana upon leaving his home at 8:30 am until 12:30 pm in the Zapata Police Headquarters and 21 in Vedado
- Carlos Alberto Álvarez Roja, de UNPACU (detained in Centro Habana)
- Casilda Acosta Pérez, from UNPACU (detained in Centro Habana)
- Vladimir Martín Castellanos, from UNPACU (detained in Las Tunas), already liberated
- Ileana Marrero, from UNPACU (detained in Las Tunas), ya liberado
- Abel Carcajal Peña, from UNPACU (detained in El Cristo, Santiago de Cuba)
- Carlos Oliva Rivery, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Ernesto Oliva Torres, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), just liberated.
- Yadira Serrano Díaz, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yordanis Labrada Téllez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), just liberated.
- José Castillo Ríos, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), just liberated, hardly beaten.
- Ulises Beca Lago, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- José Daniel Ferrer García, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Jose Daniel Ferrer Cantillo, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated
- Carlos Amel Oliva Torres, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Damir, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yoandri, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Leudis Mustelier Reyes, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Gretel Rams Santana, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Aída Sánchez Rama, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Anisleis Segal Zamora, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Yasmani Acosta Mendoza, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Franklin Álvarez, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba)
- Ángel Millán Ramírez, from UNPACU (detained in Las Tunas) already liberated
- Arianna López Roque from Academia Julio Machado (detained in Placetas, Santa Clara)
- Alexeis Mora Montalvo from Academia Julio Machado (detained in Placetas, Santa Clara)
- Jany Corrales from Río de la Academia Julio Machado (detained in Placetas, Santa Clara)
- Anayansi Vergana Cabrera, from UNPACU (Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal) (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- María Josefa Orama García, from UNPACU (Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal) (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- Felix Pérez Salazar, from Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- Yanisbel Valido Perez, from Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- Yilian Lucía Orama García, from Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- Geobel Manso López, from Comando Cívico Leoncio Vidal (detained in Santa Clara), already liberated
- María Josefa Acon Sardiñas, from UNPACU (detained in La Habana), already liberated.
- María Cobas Batista, detained by force and kept at home, already liberated.
- Aníbal Riviaux Figueredo, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- Angel Hinojosa Castellanos, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- Yumila Yessica Miranda Miquel, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- Dayli Laurencio Girón, from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- , from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- , from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- , from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- , from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- , from UNPACU (detained in Santiago de Cuba), already liberated.
- Francisco Rangel Manzano, of the Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel, arrested at 9:45 a.m. and released at 1:00 in the afternoon after imposing a fine of 30 pesos in national currency. He was being held at the Municipal Police Headquarters in Colon.
- Carlos Orlando Olivera Martínez, of the Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel, arrested at 9:45 a.m. and released at 1:00 in the afternoon after imposing a fine of 30 pesos in national currency. He was being held at the Municipal Police Headquarters in Colon.
4. Analysis of the EU-Cuba agreement: an ultimatum must be given or its application stopped
The agreement for political dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and its Member States with Cuba is being flagrantly violated since the beginning of its application, and with even greater emphasis today, at least in articles 1.5, 2c), 5 and 22.
The European Union cannot continue to admit the unspeakable violation that is being carried out in a systematic way of this agreement.
The situation of political prisoners cannot have worsened in recent years. Although in 2015 there were liberated 53 of them from a list of a hundred, to the list endorsed by Amnesty International of 71 Convicts of Conscience of CPD in Cuba, of which on August 27, 2019 he has appointed, as a simple sample, 5 Prisoners of Conscience, we must add another 24 Convicts of Conscience on those weighing house-type sentences, and another 30 political prisoners. That is, despite the release dozens of political prisoners in these years form sentence complete accomplishments, the list has grown to reach at least 125 prisoners for political reasons.
To all this we must add 10 thousand citizens convicted and condemned of pre-criminal convictions, that is, without having committed a crime or in a state of attempt, or the more than 25 thousand medical professionals called “deserters” in Cuba who, at not returning to Cuba for evading the state of slavery of civil work missions abroad, had and have to spend 8 years without returning to Cuba, without seeing their children and relatives, through article 135 of the Criminal Code of Cuba that condemns them to 8 long years of imprisonment on the island, or the thousands of arbitrary detentions that occur every year in Cuba and are reported fully to the European Commission, or the recent evidence that Cuba is the architect of the situation in Venezuela and Nicaragua , or the list of at list 20 extremely serious human rights violations detailed in Amnesty International’s reputed last report made in 2017 and that Cuba has done nothing to rectify.
For Prisoners Defenders it is a scandalous shame that the European Union, instead of aligning with policies and actions that stop the violation of human rights, aligns with the investment policies of profit-making companies on the island, populated by 11 millions of what can be called slaves without labor and union rights, except to belong to the organizations of the Communist Party of unique thought and absolute control.
Cuba is not only a country that violates human rights. It exports these violations to its international environment with the grave danger of further destabilizing an entire region of the world that needs stable democracies that allow its development.
We urge the European Union to establish an ultimatum, with the clear intention that if it did not take effect, the current agreement would be immediately terminated that, far from having caused positive effects, is serving so that the leverage of Europe’s economies and companies, binds hands and feet to diplomats who, present on the island, observe helpless as their ability to defend human rights is less and less.
Javier Larrondo, President of Prisoners Defenders, has stated that “The European Union must give Cuba an ultimatum on human rights that must be definitive. Or all political prisoners are released, reprisals against professionals on mission are eliminated, free association and expression of conscience are allowed on the island, minimum rights of freedom of association are granted to workers and freedom of thought is allowed and political association, among other very serious human rights violations on the island such as racial, sex or thought discrimination, among dozens of other flagrant violations like the ones exposed by Amnesty International in 2017 Cuba’s report, or the European Union should immediately leave an agreement that sustains the instability of a region and that makes the European Union, de facto, co-responsible and complicit in omission of what happens in that region.”
Below, we present the articles that are being flagrantly violated in the agreement between the European Union and Cuba:
5) Respect for and the promotion of democratic principles, respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the core international humanrights instruments and their optional protocols which are applicable to the Parties, and respect for the rule of law constitute an essential element of this Agreement.
The Parties agree that the objectives of this Agreement are to:
c) engage in a resultoriented dialogue on the basis of international law in order to strengthen bilateral cooperation and mutual engagement in international fora, in particular the United Nations, with the aim of strengthening human rights and democracy, achieving sustainable development and ending discrimination in all its aspects;
Human rights
Within the framework of the overall political dialogue, the Parties agree to establish a human rights dialogue, with a view to enhancing practical cooperation between the Parties at both multilateral and bilateral level. The agenda for each dialogue session shall be agreed by the parties, reflect their respective interests and take care to address in a balanced fashion civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights.
Democracy and human rights
1. Mindful that the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms is the first responsibility of governments, bearing in mind the significance of national and regional particularities and of various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds and acknowledging that it is their duty to protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, the Parties agree to cooperate in the area of democracy and human rights.
2. The Parties recognise that democracy is based on the freely expressed will of the people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of life.
3. The Parties agree to cooperate in strengthening democracy and their capacity to implement the principles and practices of democracy and human rights, including minority rights.
4. Cooperation may include, inter alia, activities, mutually agreed upon by the Parties, with the aim of:
(a) respecting and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and promoting and protecting civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all;
(b) addressing human rights globally in a fair and equitable manner, on an equal footing and with the same emphasis, recognising that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated;
(c) effectively implementing the international humanrights instruments and optional protocols applicable to each Party, as well as the recommendations emanating from the United Nations humanrights bodies and accepted by the Parties;
(d) integrating the promotion and protection of human rights into internal policies and development plans;
(e) raising awareness and promoting education in human rights, democracy and peace;
(f) strengthening democratic and humanrightsrelated institutions, as well as the legal and institutional frameworks for the promotion and protection of human rights;(g) developing joint initiatives of mutual interest within the framework of relevant multilateral fora.
5. List of raids in 2019 only to UNPACU before September
Mes | # | Día | Nombre | Dirección | Objetos confiscados | Número de identidad | Teléfono |
Febrero | 1 | 8 | Jeovel Hernández Aranda | Calle Pequín, #15, entre Calzada de Güines y Fernanda, municipio San Miguel del Padrón, La Habana | No hubo ocupaciones | 74110222021 | No posee |
Febrero | 2 | 9 | Alexis Ortiz Tejeda | Calle Cuba, #58, localidad El Molino, municipio Media Luna, provincia Granma. | 1 móvil, 1 memoria USB e impresos relacionados a la campaña Yo Voto NO | 67073007666 | No posee |
Febrero | 3 | 11 | José Daniel Ferrer García | Calle 9, #10, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 6 discos duros, 2 laptops, 5 móviles, 15 memorias USB, 11 micro sd, 2 impresoras, 2 equipos de música, medicinas y alimentos, 1 caja descodificadora, 10000 hojas blancas, 10 bolígrafos, 10 marcadores, 4 presilladoras, 2 esfimomanómetro, 2 estetoscopio, 7 historias clínicas de pacientes, 2 antenas de televisión, 2 focos de iluminación, libros de medicinas y política, documentos relacionados a la campaña Yo Voto NO, platos, cucharas, tenedores y vasos. Objetos dañados por las fuerzas represivas: 1 televisor, 400 metros de cable de red y 200 metros de cable coaxial. | 70072927509 | 58807751 |
Febrero | 4 | Calle 9, #10 altos, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | |||||
Febrero | 5 | Calle 9, #9, altos, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | |||||
Febrero | 6 | 11 | Carlos Oliva Rivery | Calle 8, #155 interior B, entre A y 11, reparto Mariana de la Torre, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 5 memorias USB, 1 laptop, 1 disco duro, 100 pulovers con mensajes de la campaña de Yo Voto NO, 6000 hojas blancas, 5 paquetes de pegatinas con mensajes de la campaña YoVoto NO. | 66102212907 | 58019567 |
Febrero | 7 | 11 | Ernesto Oliva Torres | Calle 8, #155 interior C, entre A y 11, reparto Mariana de la Torre, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 96122302506 | 54521382 | |
Febrero | 8 | 11 | Elsa Rivery Cintra | Calle 8, #155 interior A, entre A y 11, reparto Mariana de la Torre, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 40021906873 | No posee | |
Febrero | 9 | 11 | Carlos Amel Oliva Torres | Calle San Antonio, #111 altos, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 4 laptops con sus cargadores; 3 teléfonos celulares con sus cargadores, con sus micro SD y líneas; 2 discos duros extraíbles; 16 memorias USB; 5 micro SD; 5 baterías externas de móviles; 1 multiplicador de puertos USB; 1 impresora; tinta para impresora; 1 tablet; 1000 hojas blancas; impresos con información de la campaña Yo Voto No; 100 camisetas con logos de la campaña Yo Voto No; 1 antena WIFI; 1 paquete de pegatinas de la campaña del Yo Voto No, 1 mochila, 1 portafolio | 87112340260 | 53957381 |
Febrero | 10 | 11 | Dayamí Hernández Blanco | Calle San Antonio, #111, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 70072811554 | 59190322 | |
Febrero | 11 | 12 | Roberto Pérez Rodríguez | Calle Lugareño, #106, entre Céspedes y Línea del Ferrocarril, reparto Lawton, municipio 10 de Octubre, La Habana. | 1 lámpara, 20 bombillos, discos CD, 1 busto de José Martí, 1 bandera cubana, | 69070818943 | 54313081 |
Febrero | 12 | 12 | Yanier Joubert Cisneros | Calle Martí, #402, entre 5 y Norte, municipio y provincia Guantánamo. | 1 trípode, documentos personales e impresos sobre la campaña Yo Voto No | 81021524923 | 56523463 |
Febrero | 13 | 12 | Valentina Cisneros González | 55112614811 | No posee | ||
Febrero | 14 | 12 | Katiska Joubert Cisneros | 91030947259 | 54705773 | ||
Febrero | 15 | 19 | Eliecer Góngora Izaguirre | Calle 78,#18, entre 103 y 101, Reparto Vietnam, Municipio Jobabo, Las Tunas. | Pulóveres e impresos con mensajes de la campaña del NO. | 81070617202 | 53369647 |
Febrero | 16 | 21 | Boris Agustín Osorio Ramos | Calle Ensenada, #160, entre Lindero y San Felipe, Municipio Habana Vieja, La Habana. | No hubo ocupaciones | 62112301728 | 53007030 |
Febrero | 17 | 23 | José Daniel Ferrer García | Calle 9, #10, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | No hubo ocupaciones | 70072927509 | 58807751 |
Febrero | 18 | 26 | Adrian Quesada Flores | Calle Camino de la Matanza, #179, entre 1ra y Vagónt, Reparto Buenos Aires, Camagüey | No hubo ocupaciones | 88120223146 | 56158060 |
Marzo | 19 | 11 | Adrián Quesada Flores | Calle Camino de la Matanza, #179, entre 1ra y Vagónt, Reparto Buenos Aires, Camagüey | 24 CUC | 88120223146 | 56158060 |
Marzo | 20 | 31 | Boris Agustín Osorio Ramos | Calle Ensenada #160, entre 5ta de Rey y San Felipe, municipio Habana Vieja, La Habana. | Guantes, pegatinas y pulóveres con mensajes pro democráticos | 62112301728 | 53007030 |
Mayo | 21 | 21 | Sergio García González | Localidad Cuatro Camino, municipio Mayarí, Holguín | 2 teléfonos móviles con sus accesorios y 2 memorias USB | Por precisar | No posee |
Junio | 22 | 3 | Yadira Serrano Díaz | Calle Pedro Ibonet, #4 altos, municipio Songo La Maya, Santiago de Cuba. | 1 laptop, 1 USB, 1 teléfono móvil, documentos. | 95121148594 | 54524139 |
Junio | 23 | 3 | Roberto Serrano Delis | Calle Pedro Ibonet, #4, municipio Songo La Maya, Santiago de Cuba. | 1 teléfono móvil, documentos personales. | 63052110848 | 58023775 |
Agosto | 24 | 12 | Maikel Herrera Bones | Calle Aleja, #3420, entre A y B, reparto Guardiola, municipio San Miguel del Padrón, La Habana. | No hubo objetos confiscados | 76083013189 | 55116340 |
Agosto | 25 | 12 | Leyanis Fraguela Obispo | Calle Pilar, #A6, entre Julio de Cárdenas y Final, reparto Fraternidad, municipio Arroyo Naranjo, La Habana. | No hubo objetos confiscados | 73122711875 | 54021425 |
Agosto | 26 | 22 | Roberto Pérez Rodríguez | Calle Lugareño, #106, entre Céspedes y Línea del Ferrocarril, reparto Lawton, municipio 10 de Octubre, La Habana. | No hubo objetos confiscados | 69070818943 | 54313081 |
Agosto | 27 | 27 | José Daniel Ferrer García | Calle 9, #10, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | 3 laptop, 3 discos portátil, 2 televisores, 2 mesas de comedor, 8 sillas, 1 teléfono fijo, 1 impresora, una docena de memorias USB, 3 extensiones eléctricas, equipos médicos y medicinas, alimentos, cubiertos y documentos. | 70072927509 | 58807751 |
Agosto | 28 | 27 | Calle 9, #10 altos, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | ||||
Agosto | 29 | 27 | Calle 9, #9, altos, entre E y G, reparto Mármol, municipio y provincia Santiago de Cuba. | ||||
Agosto | 30 | 28 | José Antonio López Piña | Calle Luis Dupuy, #21, entre Felipe Vega y Maceo, poblado El Cristo, Santiago de Cuba. | No hubo objetos confiscados | 72042012005 | 55549087 |
Agosto | 31 | 30 | Alexander Roll Gibert | Calle Mayarí, #33, entre Fortuna y Pasaje Flores, reparto Guinera, municipio Arroyo Naranja, La Habana. | No hubo objetos confiscados | 82021806748 | 56802485 |
About Cuban Prisoners Defenders
Cuban Prisoners Defenders is an independent group of analysis, study and action, with the collaboration of all dissident groups on the island and the families of political prisoners to gather information and promote the freedom of all political prisoners, as well as to maintain the updated weekly lists of Convicted of Conscience, Condemned of Conscience,, Political Prisoners and Long-lasting political prisoners imprisoned. Cuban Prisoners Defenders is part of the Prisoners Defenders International Network, a legally registered association based in Madrid, Spain, and whose Internet address is
The group from Cuba is coordinated by Iván Hernández Carrillo (ASIC), Adolfo Fernández Sainz (FNCA) and Javier Larrondo (UNPACU), without these organizations controlling to any degree, allowing a dedicated work to all political prisoners without distinctions and equally. In Madrid’s office, the legal reports have the contribution of another one of the founders of Cuban Prisoners Defenders, the international criminal lawyer Mr. Sebastián Rivero, who, among other experiences, has been a collaborating jurist of the Permanent Ambassador of Spain at the United Nations. The organization also has different patrons from all ideologies, among others several deputies of the National Congress of Spain of different parties, as well as D. Blas Jesús Imbroda, president of the International Criminal Bar (ICB, elected in 2017) and Dean of the Bar Association of Melilla, Spain.
The works of Cuban Prisoners Defenders are adopted by numerous institutions and are sent, among others, to CANF, UNPACU, ASIC, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Organization of American States, European Parliament, Congress and Senate of the United States, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, People In Need, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN for Latin America and the Caribbean, Real Instituto Elcano, Fundación Transición Española, International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, FANTU, Party for Democracy Pedro Luis Boitel, Independent Pedagogues College of Cuba, Freedom House, Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL), FAES, Ladies in White y Citizen Movement Reflection and Reconciliation, among many other institutions and organizations.
REQUEST FOR REPORTS: Entities wishing to receive the work of Cuban Prisoners Defenders (list of political prisoners and of conscience, legal studies of political prisoners, legal studies on Cuba, studies on repression and prisons in Cuba, etc) please contact Cuban Prisoners Defenders at or by whatsapp or phone at +34 647564741.
Our official Twitter, in addition, is @CubanDefenders. Our Facebook page is, and our website is